31. mars 2009

Hot and cold.

Yeah-yeah. I'm back. It's just that.. I don't know. I don't like when my blog can be googled, so I closed it. But then I found out that I can deactivate that thingy that makes my blog pop up on google, so yeah.. Here I am again.
I am really happy today tough there have been many stupid things bothering me.
But still.. Now, I'm going to make a list of 100 that makes me happy. In Norwegian. Because I need to remind myself.

Ting som gjør meg lykkelig.
1. Knut
2. Å kysse
3. Å få random uventede meldinger
4. Å sove
5. Rum og cola
6. Sol som varmer
7. Å gå barbeint i gresset
8. Totoro
9. Kosing
10. Spooning
11. Gaver
12. Dumme mennesker som man kan le av
13. Musikk
14. Å stirre på månen så lenge at man blir svimmel
15. Å holde hender
16. Tulipaner
17. Walters mandler-sjokoladen
18. Å bade alene i en basseng
19. Å sy
20. Å finne pene ting overalt
21. Å få brev i posten
22. Å ta bilder
23. Vind som kiler meg som om den gjør det med vilje
24. Å gjøre noen andre lykkelig
25. Å kjøpe filmer
26. Fine overraskelser
27. Besøk når man ikke forventer det
28. Notatbøker fylt av fine tegninger, tekster og utklipp
29. Gratis ting
30. Å klippe ut bilder fra blader og henge dem på rommet
31. Å få en pakke med fremkalte bilder
32. De 10 kameraene jeg har hjemme som står til min disposisjon
33. Bursdagen min
34. Gullringer
35. Fri fra skole og jobb
36. Penger
37. Å møte nye folk
38. Å sminke meg så lenge jeg vil
39. Å ikke ha dårlig tid
40. Å ha blåmerker
41. Å bli sammenlignet med Pippi Langstrømpe eller Ronja Røverdatter
42. Å bli fortalt historier til
43. Å få massasje
44. Lyden når jeg sparker en stein foran skolen min
45. Å dra til steder jeg aldri har vært før
46. Å bli bedt på date
47. Å dusje så lenge jeg vil
48. Å våkne opp med noen jeg er glad i ved siden av meg.
49. BULT
50. Rød leppestift
51. Blondt hår
52. Kjoler
53. Sanger som gir meg frysninger (det kan bli en lang liste ut av det, men den kan jeg spare)
54. Skinnjakker
55. Festivaler
56. Å stå på lister
57. Å danse!
58. Tegninger
59. Å lage mat til vennene mine
60. Moteblader som Vogue, i-D, Vanity Fair, Lula og mange andre
61. M
62. Å være forelsket
63. Å bli servert middag
64. Babydyr
65. Led Zeppelin
66. Rødvin
67. Estisk
68. Skatter i vintage-butikker
69. Å lande med fly i Tallinn
70. Sex (beklager til folk som ikke trengte å vite dette, men da trenger ikke dere å lese bloggen min heller)
71. Facebook Chat
72. Å være alene når jeg selv vil
73. Grillfestene jeg har hjemme hos meg om sommeren
74. Å høre hemmeligheter
75. Superhelter
76. SkoleMacen min
77. Å sykle i nedoverbakke
78. Når det er kjempekaldt og masse snø og klar himmel
79. Når jeg får fregner
80. Å se på stjerner.
81. Røyk
82. Lange negler
83. Vannpiper
84. Vann
85. Billetter
86. Å høre på sanger ingen har hørt på
87. Når noen lager noe til meg
88. Skjerf
89. Junko Mizuno
90. Eskimokyss
91. Gutter
92. Morgensol på rommet mitt
93. Vesker
94. iPoden min
95. Kremer som lukter godt
96. Tørr asfalt om våren
97. Våren
98. Sommeren
99. Familien min
100. Å skrive lister

Det står flere i boken min. Spør, kanskje du får lese? :)

28. mars 2009

Waiting for it to embrace me.

CB left five days ago and the cake is still in the freezer. Not bad? Instead, I have been eating insane amounts of fish and guacamole. Not together, but still. I figured that it's more healthy this way.

I am actually kinda glad that I didn't go out yesterday. I went to Tobias and watched Star Wars III instead.

27. mars 2009

I want to be a forester.

Mmh.. It's my BD soon (in 20 days and 9 h) and I hope that I will get some presents..

Like those Moods of Norway-dresses. Arr... I'm in love with them..

25. mars 2009

And arms too long I wait for him to catch me.

I'm now in my basement and watching Gilmore Girls and eating guacamole (homemade) with some tacoshells. And for a girl without her CB, I am veryvery happy thanks to the fantastic news I got from him today. Aaaah! I actually don't even want to tell, because that ruins everything. Ahh.. I am really looking forward to spring break. Really-really-really! Arr..
And BTW: advocado + garlic + tomatoes = <3
Everything is hurray! I'm happyhappyhappy.

It's a motherfucker being here without you.

Sad. Oh so sad. But it's ok.

Yesterday, I had to say goodbye to CB (Cris Brown - Special K (SK) - Knut) who took the train to Stavanger. Blaaah.. Stavanger is FAR away! When he left, he left also some things that are mine 'till he's back for good. Like an Octomat Lomo camera. And a Fisheye Lomo camera. So now I have four (!) Lomocameras to use. Arr... Orgazm.

Ar they not the cutest? Yeah. I am also borrowing his Canon 400D-camera and two seasons of Carnivale. Can't wait to see them. My plan is to not watch them in one set, but to divide the episodes and when CB comes back, I have just finished watching. Two seasons in three months? Yeah.. Noprob I hope.
Yesterday, I got my first birthday gift (my BD is april 17.) from CB. We were at a record shop and we were standing in front of the movies and i was looking at the Star Wars-collection I-III, so he bought it to me even tough I asked him not to. Very few of my movies are bought by others. And I'm actually not that used to getting presents on my birthday. And it's not my BD yet, so it was really weird . But I'm happy OFC. Jeez..

There are so many beautiful pictures from CB's Canon.. I think I have to post them somwhere.. FB perhaps? Oooor.. Flickr? DA? Right here? Hmh. FB it is..

Dammit, I really miss CB. Christ..

23. mars 2009

Melody day what have I done?

Well. Things are getting sader by the hour. All I want to do is to be away from here and be with a certain special K. Blaah.. School sucks. Fuck my life. Or smth.
Today, I'm alone.

Picture by Ulrik, den Thyven.

16. mars 2009

When you smile it melts away again.

Right now, me and my mom are sitting in the kitchen and listening to old estonian children music. I love it! Me and my mom have always lisened to weird music and know texts to CD's like Jesus Christ Superstar OST and Evita OST. She is the musical-bug that bit me and made me preform at the local theatre in.. i suppose..six years? Deem. It was fun.
Yesterday I went back there to take some pictures and i found out that I really miss it. Not enough to start again tho, but still. Me and BULT (Blaker Ungdomslags Teatergruppe) had some good times.

So, I sit here with my slice of black bread with sour cream, salt and bazil and a cup of ice water and wonder what I'm supposed to do. The last three days have really confuzed me and I like to have control in everything I do, but now - I have no control what so ever. And I think I like it. No I don't. I hate it! And Love it.. Dammit.
But! I am prepared! Me and mom bought some cake that i put in the freezer that will wait for me a week or so. Mom knows me too well.

I have been sitting on my ass all day long, so my back is killing me, just to make my deadline. I have been working all the time and that's kind of a new thing for me actually, because I am worlds worst worker. WWW - that's me. Just ask my bosses and teachers. But they still love me, even tough i fuckup sometimes. It's lucky that i have a great personalty (haha!).

Deem, this post was weird. All I wanted to do was to tell that i miss my Chris Brown (almost every single human being who I have been talking to today understands who I mean when I say Chris Brown. Trust me, the bruises only get worse and today we were playing some ball, so I could show off my bruises to everyone. Woho!) and that I'm going to eat a lot of cake in a week or so.

Meanwhile, I'm going to listen to this song again and again and again and think about lovely things like beeing called Voldemort and glitterbands and dark rooms and corners and camera flash.

Don't you think it's great that I can't do that trickything where I just remove the video from the sound? I'm such a genius. This is old school in not so long. Promise

Everything counts.

I am really dreading 24. March. I hate the government. Am I really the first one to say that? Don't think so.
Umh. I really don't have a lot to say at the moment. I am happy. I guess. No, I AM reallyreally happy. If i could be done with everything related to homework and media..stuff. But still, the clock is 04:07 and I'm watching Gilmore Girls (I'd prefer to watch Black Books instead) and doing nothing. I would love to sleep, but I am stupid and I don't have time to do that.
At 03:34, there were two out of 467 contacts on Facebook who were online. Sick? Sick.

Picture by Ulrik.

12. mars 2009

I get messages from the stars.

I could really like to get wel soon. I'm suffering from a rather annoying cold that is fucking up my head and it makes me sneeze and fall asleep on my desk. I hope that I will get better when the weekend begins. And it seems that the weekend will begin today with a smuglesning-staff meeting in Oslo. Perhaps we will go and crash the Osloprize..thingy with Natt & Dag at Blå. Oh.. As long as I'll make it to the last train at 00:09, then I'm happy. I really can't stay in the city any other days then friday and saturday. Sørumsand is calling every weekday at nine, and that sux. And I'm really running out of places to stay when I visit Oslo. I shold begin to thing about moving soon. But not with my paycheck.
Anyone who wants a sweet girl to live with? I can be clean. I can make food. And I have no money. Well? Anyone?

Picture taken by Ida.

Well.. No reason to panic, is it?

Picture by: Ulrik Fredrik Thyve

10. mars 2009

Everything's cool as long as I'm getting thinner.

Don't you just hate to google yourself sometimes? Well.. I do. The funny thing is that when you google my name, there is one special thing that comes up - an estonian page where I used to upload my pictures when I was like..twelve or something. Kinda embarrasing actually. Well, here is the page. Awesome, right?

9. mars 2009

Well, if nobody asks..why should i tell?

5. mars 2009

Wait for the summer.

Well, something happened and now you can find some of my obsessions at smug.no.
Like this one.

I feel like I should find some cake or something. But then I need potatochips as well and then I'm just going to be full of food and not able to go to sleep.
I think I can do that now. Sleep, I mean. I have not slept home since.. tuesday last week? Yes, I suppose so. I am looking forward to crawl inside my blanket and die on my sofa.

3. mars 2009

I am just a troubled soul.

Fuck it. I can do this in english if I want to. Soo. That's that then.

I am pretty sure that my grades will fall hard if I continue having problems with consentrating. I hate that I have so many things to do. Gosh. Hatehatehate. I need people around me who can help me with stuff and keep me doing stuff so I don't fall out and start to sit at smug.no or face or notcot. Eewh. I hate that pressure on my shoulders. Hug anyone?

Whatever. I always manage to figure something out. At least I'm a great liar, so that helps me a lot.
I can't wait for the weekend to begin! There are so many things to do every weekend, I can't figure out why I haven't done the things I'm doing now for decades. Oh! Yes! Money and age. I need money to have fun. How fucked up is that? Gross.. How can you go out without money when you almost always have to pay CC? I'm trying to figure it out.

Meanwhile I'm avoiding being at my house and try to be with people so my head would not fall together because of all of the scary things dancing around in my head.

Picture: Benjamin Nitot.

1. mars 2009


En mad helg er forbi. Jeg vil vise dere og fortelle dere, men jeg kan ikke.
La oss si at jeg er VELDIG VELDIG fornøyd. Ikke helt kanskje, men jeg er passe fornøyd. Sånn på grunn av skolebull og slikt. Det er ikke gøy. Og fordi jeg dret meg ut på jobben på lørdag. Iih.. Og litt fordi jeg skapte kaos på fredag. Æsjæsjæsj..
La os si at jeg har det ok da.

Vil så gjerne vise dere dokumentasjon av helgens rariteter, men de er på en filmrull..eller fire (!).

Ps! OMG liex, jeg kan totally si at jeg er famous nå: Alan Braxe synes jeg er "cute" ohmyyyy! Også sa han hvordan navnet mitt utales på fransk og det var så mye finere enn den norske uttalelsen, så nå flytter jeg strax og blir kalt for Agniezé. ^